Sunday, January 9, 2011

#11 - Final Fantasy XI

I Review some other MMOs later on that I think that do a much better job than this one, and cost much less, but for now, here it is: 

So I tend to like the creations of Square Enix, especially when they were Squaresoft. I had this idea that I was going to play every “Final Fantasy” Game from beginning to end. This is the game that shattered that idea. Not because it’s long or epic or anything of the sort, mostly just because it’s not fun. I had a lot of “Fanboy Love” for this series, and this game overcame that and still made me hate it, a lot. I’ve played the game two separate times once where I barely scratched the surface, and then again when I quit once I had done so. 

The game looks enough like a “Final Fantasy” game. Everything looks very epic. There are a lot of NPCs that tell you shit that’s absolutely useless. And there’s a Metric Fuck-Ton of gear that’s not spaced out well enough so you can never afford the next highest up item that you want, so you usually just end up saving up for a while and skipping some. Anyways, I picked my class and got down to the grind, which I didn’t really mind at first. Then we got a few quests here and there, which were a nice improvement over grinding. They were a little harder and not exactly the same every time. So I think at this point I’m going to go ahead and make a long story short, after we finished anywhere from 3 to 5 quests, I don’t remember exactly how man, we got to the point where we were level 11 and the very next quest we could do we needed to be level 21. “What the Fuck?” I literally said aloud… Don’t get me wrong, I expect a certain amount of grinding from MMOs, RPGs especially, but why the fuck would anyone think that its fun to just go around and kill shit for a week just to get to the next quest? I was pretty annoyed. The person I was playing with and I came to an agreement that we would try and stick it out and figure out some way to endure this, putting aside the fact that I’m sure that somewhere later on down the line we would hit the same problem, and have to do the same thing again. Our solution to this problem was “Hey, why don’t we go outside of the areas surrounding the city. We’ll go out and explore the world, and kill shit on the way, and it won’t feel so much like grinding.”

We were very naive. We headed out and killed stuff on the way and it wasn’t so bad at first. We killed the stupid worm things and whatever other bullshit monsters they had at the beginning for Noobs like us to kill, but as we got further and further away from the city we started getting our asses kicked, a lot. No biggie, these guys were just a little tougher, right? Once we got away from these guys, and found something else to kill, we’d be straight, right? Nope, absolutely wrong. Two maps outside of our starting city, and we were screwed. Everything was too strong for us to fight. Now again, maybe I’m just talking shit about the MMO Genre and not this particular game, but what the fuck is up with not being able to leave the starting city until weeks into the game? All this time is spent making this huge massive world, and you completely cut yourself from anyone who’s not the most dedicated player. It’s just not good marketing… Anyways, so we went back to the city, and probably made it halfway to the next quest, and I just said, fuck it, I’m going to play something that I’ll enjoy…

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